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Hysorptase® Hysorptase®


Recombinant Human Hyaluronidase


Our HYSORPTASE® is a recombinant human hyaluronidase (rHuPH20) synthesized in vitro using mammalian cells. It can locally degrade subcutaneous hyaluronic acid (HA), temporarily removing barriers to fluid flow, breaking through the subcutaneous injection volume limit of 2mL, and enabling the safe and efficient absorption of up to 1L of medication through the subcutaneous route. This improves patient experience, increases healthcare system efficiency, and enhances the competitiveness of partnered drugs.

By using HYSORPTASE® to develop co-formulations with biologics or small molecule drugs, co-formulated medications can overcome subcutaneous injection volume limitations, enabling rapid, convenient, and safe high-dose administration. This provides benefits to patients, healthcare systems, and manufacturers.

Several subcutaneous injection products using similar hyaluronidase co-formulation technology have been recognized in the global market.


Clinical Progress

HYSORPTASE® recombinant human hyaluronidase has data from hundreds of clinical uses.

Several co-formulated antibodies using HYSORPTASE® recombinant human hyaluronidase are in different stages of clinical research.

Clinical Progress

Development and Production

Bao Pharma develops and produces recombinant human hyaluronidase Hysorptase® in accordance with quality management requirements for recombinant drugs. The production process complies with current GMP standards, and the production scale meets commercial demand.

Development and Production


With Hysorptase® recombinant human hyaluronidase, it becomes possible to overcome the traditional volume limitations of subcutaneous injections, offering convenient subcutaneous therapies to patients in need, either in hospitals or at home.

Hysorptase® recombinant human hyaluronidase has undergone clinical validation and has been shown to effectively enhance the dispersion of drugs subcutaneously. Additionally, several co-formulation partnership projects are in various stages of development.

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Therapeutic Areas



Highly sensitized patients, who have widespread and high levels of anti-HLA antibodies, face significant challenges in finding suitable donors for transplantation. These patients typically have panel reactive antibody (PRA) levels ≥80%, and even after desensitization and transplantation, they remain at high risk for hyperacute rejection and antibody-mediated rejection. High levels of anti-HLA antibodies limit the success rate of kidney transplants and reduce long-term graft survival. The clinical application of Ricefidase offers transplantation opportunities for previously ineligible patients and helps prevent post-transplant hyperacute rejection.
Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoantibodies are antibodies that target the body’s own tissues, organs, cells, and their components. In healthy individuals, autoantibody levels are generally low and do not cause harm. However, abnormal levels of autoantibodies can attack healthy tissues, leading to severe autoimmune diseases. The autoimmune category encompasses hundreds of diseases, most of which are rare and have low incidence rates, making diagnosis and treatment especially difficult. Acute-onset autoimmune diseases, in particular, have high rates of mortality and disability. The rapid action of Ricefidase enables it to race against time, saving the lives of critically ill patients.